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Moonshine still

Welcome to Moonshine Still! We are your one-stop shop for all your distilling and moonshine still supplies. We have the largest selection of distilling supplies and carry everything from commercial volume distilling equipment to table-top home stills. So if you are looking for moonshine still, whiskey still, or any other type of alcohol still, look no further.

Copper or Stainless Moonshine Stills: Which One Should you Choose?

There are a few moonshiners who look for any still, any type or size to get right into the artisan craft as well as distillation. And, there are a few consumers who know what they need to specialize in, like the size and type of the stills, and at the same time, very few people actually know what they need to achieve it. 

Unfortunately, many moonshiners only want to use their moonshine stills for specialization, and what are the parts that best help the still for the most productive outcome; they hardly know that.

Stainless still or Copper

Which Moonshine Still Is Best for You? Explained!
The important question you need to ask yourself is – which one you need? Do you need a stainless still or copper one? The answer is pretty simple! Each material type has its own set of trade-offs. Few people believe that copper is better for them, and few people like to buy it. 

On the other hand, few people think stainless still is better for them and they should go for it. Here, in this blog post, we are going to discuss the basic difference between stainless and copper still, so that you can choose the best as possible. 
 Let’s Begin with the very basic but the most obvious differences. 

Copper & Stainless Steel Distillers 

If you are a veteran moonshiner then you must know that copper moonshine stills are a great conductor of heat. This type of moonshine is made from smooth metal to work with and can easily remove the sulphur compounds. But the drawback is – this type of still is costly and difficult to clean. 
On the other hand, stainless still distiller is less expensive compared to copper. It is durable and easy to clean, which is why many moonshiners like to use it. But the drawback is – this type of still is not a very good conductor of heat and not capable of removing sulphur compounds, so when you choose one, choose wisely. 

Copper-Stainless Steel Hybrid Distillers 

It totally depends on you, which one you need and why you need it. You are going to use the moonshine stills or what features you are looking for. Generally, a hybrid distiller may be the best solution for many, and could be your choice. 

It All Start with Stills

Choosing the Best Moonshine Still
Choosing the best moonshine still is not at all a daunting task if you know your requirements. Well, there are a few things that you need to consider than solely the material properties. The idea is that each type is slightly more appropriate for particular tasks. If you use both the stills, then you will come to know that each brand is slightly more suitable than that of others to complete the specific tasks. 
The Takeaway
Normally, your quality of production depends on the still you choose. You can choose either copper or stainless still. As you have come to know now that stainless and copper stills have slightly different properties, due to the reason they excel in various tasks. 

If you still confused, then you should not hesitate to ask a professional who can help you choose the best moonshine stills as possible. You can talk to moonshine-still.co. The company builds distilling equipment for home and craft distilleries. 

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